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Sebastian Kadlecik, Kit Steinkellner, and Emma Steinkellner (The Children's Book Podcast #493)
QUINCE QUINCE is a 15-issue comic book series created by Sebastian Kadlecik (@smkaddy), authored by Kit Steinkellner (@BooksAreMyBFs),...
Cathy Camper and Raul the Third (The Children's Book Podcast #492)
LOWRIDERS BLAST FROM THE PAST Cathy Camper (@cfastwolf) and Raúl the Third (@raulthe3rd) are the creative team behind the LOWRIDERS...
Jacob Kramer, K-Fai Steele, and Claudia Zoe Bedrick (The Children's Book Podcast #491)
NOODLEPHANT Noodlephant is an elephant who loves pasta. The kangaroos do not like pasta. In fact, they make a law so that no one can...
Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen (The Children's Book Podcast #490)
CHICKS RULE! Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen (@SudiptaBQ) is the author of CHICKS RULE!, a book about confronting "no", having enough, and taking...
The 2019 Sydney Taylor Book Awards (The Children's Book Podcast #489)
SYDNEY TAYLOR BOOK AWARDS Susan Kusel and Rebecca Levitan join today on behalf of the SYDNEY TAYLOR BOOK AWARD, presented annually to...
Social Media Do’s and Don’ts with Matthew Winner (KS/MO SCBWI)
I've been invited to lead a webinar on building social media skills for writers and illustrators. The webinar, hosted by the...
January 2019 Picture Book Recap
Oh my word! What a start to the year! Here's what stuck out to me from the JANUARY 2019 picture book releases that crossed my desk. I...
Exclusive Cover Reveal of ONE HUG by Katrina Moore and Julia Woolf
Celebrating friends is kinda the best. Katrina Moore and I opened an elementary school 6 years ago. I still remember going out to lunch...
Francie Latour (The Children's Book Podcast #488)
AUNTIE LUCE'S TALKING PAINTINGS Francie Latour (@francielatour) is the author of AUNTIE LUCE'S TALKING PAINTINGS, a vibrant and beautiful...
2019 Youth Media Awards Announced
The 2019 Youth Media Awards were announced on Monday, January 28 at the American Library Association Midwinter conference in Seattle....
Hilary Leung (The Children's Book Podcast #487)
WILL GIRAFFE LAUGH? Hilary Leung (@hilary_leung) is the author/illustrator of WILL GIRAFFE LAUGH?, the fourth in a series about a friend...
Results of Our 2019 Coretta Scott King Award
My students spent the month of December reading 16 picture books we think could be in the running for the Coretta Scott King Award, given...
Cheryl Willis Hudson and Wade Hudson (The Children's Book Podcast #486)
WE RISE, WE RESIST, WE RAISE OUR VOICES Cheryl Willis Hudson (@diversitymom_ch) and Wade Hudson (@hudsonwade) are the founders of Just Us...
Children's Activity Calendar: February 2019
The children's activity calendar I created for Upstart for the month of February is now available online for FREE. Share with teachers,...
Indie Crushes - January 18, 2019
When we learn about others' lives their experiences can help shape our own perspectives on the world. When we read about different...
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