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Catching Up with Rowboat Watkins

I've been hosting a children's book podcast for nearly 5 years (and over 400 episodes). I think about past guests often and wonder what new things they're working on.

Today I'm catching up with author and illustrator Rowboat Watkins.

Giant Cyclops is a fan of Podcast Bunny.

Rowboat joined me in May of 2015 to share Rude Cakes. You can listen to our conversation HERE.

I invited Rowboat to answer my questions below. Rowboat's answers are in blue. Join us as we catch up!

Hi Rowboat! When you were on the last podcast your newest book at the time was Rude Cakes.. What's new since we last talked?

Um…well…other than watching the world drive off a cliff, I've been taking my daughter to school, walking the dog, cleaning up after my wife, and working on books. Pete With No Pants came out this past spring.

It's about an elephant who doesn't want to wear his pants. Sort of. Big Bunny will come out in spring 2018.

It's about a big bunny. Or is it? And I'm currently working on final art for a book about marshmallows, called Most Marshmallows, which will come out in spring 2019.

Unlike my other books, this one isn't drawn but is made out of construction paper and marshmallows. So other than not being a photographer and not really having any idea how to photograph the scenes I'm building I'm having a lot of fun with this. Most of the time. I think.

Finish the sentence: This past year has been...

A real donut hole, if you want my honest opinion. Talk about rude cakes. We're drowning in orange frosting.

What’s filling you with wonder these days?

Wet by Carey Sookocheff. What a perfect book.

Professional Crocodile by Giovanna Zoboli & Mariachiara Di Giorno. Too good for words.

Giant rainbow pads of construction paper. What's not to love? Pomegranates. Ditto. And the Philadelphia Eagles! Hope springs eternal.

It's great to catch up with you, Rowboat! Congratulations on the upcoming awesomeness! I can't wait to read Big Bunny and my house has been thoroughly obsessed with Pete With No Pants. It is our absolute favorite story about a boulder with pants for sure, but it's also our go-to for giggles All. The. Time. Best of luck in the coming year!

Here's a peak at some of the pages from Big Bunny, which will be available in February, 2018 and is available for preorder.

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