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Catching Up with Joyce Wan

I've been hosting a children's book podcast for nearly 5 years (and over 400 episodes). I think about past guests often and wonder what new things they're working on.

Today I'm catching up with author and illustrator Joyce Wan.

Cupcake is a fan of Podcast Bunny.

Joyce joined me in April of 2015 to share The Whale in My Swimming Pool. You can listen to our conversation HERE.

I invited Joyce to answer my questions below. Joyce's answers are in blue. Join us as we catch up!

Hi Joyce! When you were on the last podcast your newest book at the time was The Whale in My Swimming Pool. What's new since we last talked?

Since then I’ve had 10 new books published and I had a baby in 2016. Finding a balance between writing and illustrating and my role as a new mom has been a work-in-progress in itself. I also have these 4 new books coming out in 2018:

Peep and Egg: I’m Not Using the Potty will be out in February and is the 4th book in the Peep and Egg series. In this book Egg does not want to use the potty, however, when things start to get a little uncomfortable, Egg realizes that when nature calls, sometimes you can't say no.

Count My Cupcakes 123 will be out in April. Featuring touch-and-feel cupcakes and a host of other yummy characters like a twirling ice cream cone and a rolling donut, readers learn to count from one to five.

The Bear In My Bed will be out in June and it picks right up where The Whale In My Swimming Pool left off. This story follows a young boy as he tackles his bedtime routine with an unexpected visitor.

You Are My Sweetheart comes out in October. It’s a lovey-dovey board book featuring a cast of chubby, lovable characters, such as candy hearts, a sweetie pie, a honey bun, and more.

Finish the sentence: This past year has been...

Restorative. This is the first time in maybe 6 years that I find myself without a book deadline. In the 9 years since my first book was published, I’ve completed over 20 books. It feels refreshing to have this space in my brain right now to develop new book ideas without deadlines hanging over my head. I’m also just having a blast with my daughter and doing things that I’ve been wanting to do for years like take sewing and painting classes.

What’s filling you with wonder these days?

My daughter. Seeing the things that fill her with wonder has been really inspiring.

It's great to catch up with you, Joyce! Congratulations on the upcoming releases! I so excited to learn that The Whale in My Swimming Pool is getting a sequel! I always love your iconic style and it's wonderful to see it applied to such a great variety of stories for kids. Bravo!


Here's a peak at some of the pages from Peep and Egg: I’m Not Using the Potty, which comes out in February 2018.

Take a look at Count My Cupcakes 123, which comes out in April 2018.

And definitely don't miss The Bear In My Bed , which comes out in June 2018.


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