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Our End-Of-Year Library Report

Today I thought I'd give you a peek into my every day as a school librarian. I love what I do and I feel absolutely blessed that everything in my life connects so harmoniously in this sort of web of literacy and advocacy and raising children and being part of a global learning community.

We create an annual report at the end of each year to share with our administration and library media supervisor as a sort of year-in-review. The review includes program highlights, celebrations, goals, and gives glimpses into the trajectory of the program in the coming years. Some of you may know that I started at a new (for me) school this year. It was a chance to work again with a previous principal whom I totally respect and adore, and an opportunity to challenge myself and others in new ways.

I'm blessed to be working with an amazing team that includes Technology and Library Media school staff and I'm grateful to be working alongside such talented and hard-working individuals. This year was truly only the start of something very, very great.

You can click through our annual report below or view it as a pdf HERE.

Thank you to all of those (both pictured and not) who helped make this year so exceptional for me and for our students. I look forward to the connections, both new and returning, we'll make next year.

Very sincerely,

_ Matthew

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