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The #NewIn19 Share Their Favorite Picture Books from Childhood

Have you heard of New In 19? They're a group made up of debut trade picture book authors and illustrators of 2019. I was invited to moderate a #NewIn19 Twitter chat with the members back in October. I'll be sharing a post each day this week using the five questions from the chat. (View other questions through the NewIn19 keyword.) Today we'll here from one 2019 debut picture book author about her favorite book from childhood.

I've included a link to the #NewIn19 archive here for my second question, What's one of your favorite books from childhood?

I've also included some screenshots like these between the guest posts below that I hope you'll enjoy.

Sandra Sutter

A favorite book from my childhood? Just one? I can’t do it. I have to share two. First is The Riddle Monster by Lisl Weil. Yes, the monster eats people. And yes, he shows no remorse. But there is a riddle, a prince, and cool illustrations that show the monster blowing up near the end. What an irresistible combination. I couldn’t stop checking it out from the library. Years later, my sister (a librarian) pulled it from the sale pile and sent it to me. Life felt complete.

A close second is This Room is Mine by Betty Ren Wright (illustrations by Judy Stang). Now, I promise I’m not that old. My grandparents had this book at their house in Texas. When my sister and I went to visit them we had to share a room, and a bed, and … well, this book was pretty much spot on. The story is timeless and well written, but it’s the illustrations that get me every time. A girl with a horse and a bunch of children in her room pulling visitors up through the window in a basket? Two sisters coming nose to nose with only a jump rope and their stares to separate them? And that face of defiance melted into sadness when the main character realizes she can’t leave her room to eat cookies? I mean, she’s missing out on cookies! That makes for a very real and very big problem to solve.


Contributors to this post:

Sandra Sutter has worn many hats, including counselor, attorney and now children's book author. She is also a wife, mother, and master finder of silver linings. Originally from the beautiful Front Range of Colorado, Sandra now lives in the heart of horse country outside of Lexington, Kentucky. An active imagination and two young children give her plenty of inspiration to write stories, research fun facts, and chase new dreams. Sandra’s debut picture book, THE REAL FARMER IN THE DELL, comes out Spring 2019 with Clear Fork Publishing. Her second, STAN’S FRIGHTFULLY CLUMSY HALLOWEEN, will follow and is also with Clear Fork Publishing. Find out more about her at

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