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Tiffany Jewell (The Children's Book Podcast #553)

Tiffany Jewell (@tiffanymjewell) shares THIS BOOK IS ANTI-RACIST, her debut book. Listeners, I cannot even do this interview justice in this intro. Tiffany Jewell is an anti-bias, anti-racist educator and leader. This book dropped like a bomb into my professional learning and having the opportunity to interview Tiffany was both an inspiration and an education. Tiffany speaks on allowing her students to show her where to go. That’s something I’ve been working hard on as well. I’m going to keep on learning, and it’s in no small way because of the work that Tiffany and others are doing to help show the way. By the way, I highly recommend participating in the Anti-Racist Book Club Tiffany co-hosts with Britt Hawthorne on Instagram. As Tiffany puts it regarding doing the work of anti-racism, we can’t not talk about it.

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Who are you? What is racism? Where does it come from? Why does it exist? What can you do to disrupt it? Learn about social identities, the history of racism and resistance against it, and how you can use your anti-racist lens and voice to move the world toward equity and liberation.

Gain a deeper understanding of your anti-racist self as you progress through 20 chapters that spark introspection, reveal the origins of racism that we are still experiencing, and give you the courage and power to undo it. Each chapter builds on the previous one as you learn more about yourself and racial oppression. Exercise prompts get you thinking and help you grow with the knowledge.

Author Tiffany Jewell, an anti-bias, anti-racist educator and activist, builds solidarity beginning with the language she chooses—using gender neutral words to honor everyone who reads the book. Illustrator Aurélia Durand brings the stories and characters to life with kaleidoscopic vibrancy.

After examining the concepts of social identity, race, ethnicity, and racism, learn about some of the ways people of different races have been oppressed, from indigenous Americans and Australians being sent to boarding school to be “civilized” to a generation of Caribbean immigrants once welcomed to the UK being threatened with deportation by strict immigration laws.

Find hope in stories of strength, love, joy, and revolution that are part of our history, too, with such figures as the former slave Toussaint Louverture, who led a rebellion against white planters that eventually led to Haiti’s independence, and Yuri Kochiyama, who, after spending time in an internment camp for Japanese Americans during WWII, dedicated her life to supporting political prisoners and advocating reparations for those wrongfully interned.

This book is written for EVERYONE who lives in this racialized society—including the young person who doesn’t know how to speak up to the racist adults in their life, the kid who has lost themself at times trying to fit into the dominant culture, the children who have been harmed (physically and emotionally) because no one stood up for them or they couldn’t stand up for themselves, and also for their families, teachers, and administrators.

With this book, be empowered to actively defy racism to create a community (large and small) that truly honors everyone.



Thank you, Traci, Halle, Chris, Amy, Sommer, Sara, Kate, Darshana, Patricia, Amanda, Theo, Jarrett, Justin, Anitra, Sailaja, Hayley, Susanne, Mike, Steve, Mia, Corrina, Adrienne, Irene, Kate, Ed, Jenny Sue, Cynthia, Sylvie, Doug, Amanda, Judi, Ruth, Elaine, Teresa, Alicia, and others who are coming with me on this journey. You’re welcome to join us. Just visit and pick the support tier that’s right for you. All the hugs and high fives for all of the many, many ways all of out there listening support this show.


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